What do you believe in?

Last Sunday I did something I haven’t done for a long, long time. I spent the whole day on the couch. 
I’m the kind of person who likes to be doing, thinking, moving. But I was pretty cactus, so I decided that getting stuck back into Sons of Anarchy was a good decision.

And it was. 

The best part. I didn’t feel guilty at all (this tends to happen from time to time). Rather than worrying about what I wasn’t doing, I made sure I was present, just for the day. Its funny how refreshed and ready to get stuck back in I was when Monday morning rolled around. A good learning experience, but not the sole purpose of this email. 

I think we can learn a lot from the Sons of Anarchy.
(If you haven’t seen the series, I highly recommend it)

Let’s forget for a second that they are an outlaw motorcycle club & look at what they stand for.
They believe in something so much that they are willing to fight and die for those ideals.
What they will do for their brotherhood, their family, their community knows no bounds – the loyalty they show for each other is incredible.

They push these ideas to the edge, and often straight over it. Regardless, I think there are lessons we can take from this for our own lives. We live in a world where few people live on or near that edge. We don’t push the boundaries of what we know or think. 

We have become increasingly apathetic and unmotivated about many parts of our life. We wake up, go to work (often to a job we dislike), get home, see friends without any real meaningful connection, without any passion, love and excitement. 

I believe it’s because we have grown so comfortable with our surroundings that our safety is guaranteed, we know where our next meal comes from, mindless entertainment is only a few buttons away and we don’t really yearn for anything. We have much much more than we need. 

That’s not enough… Well for me it certainly isn’t.

Do you believe in anything so much that you’d be willing to die for it? Or at the very least, fight for it? 
What is it that really sets your soul on fire?
Of course, we don’t need to live these ultimatums, but it’s an interesting thought…


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