Environment is king.

After a quick trip to Japan and Sydney for a Strength and Conditioning summit last week, you’d think I’d be done with travelling. Not quite yet. 
I’m up in Sydney with Virtus Coach and Marketing Guru, Simon Cooper, attending a 2-day Mastermind event with my business coaches from The Alchemy Institute.
“An investment in income pays the best interest”
I have committed to at least 12 months to the Alchemy Ethos program. Was it expensive? Yes somewhat, considering I didn’t have a section for ‘Business Coaching’ in my budget.
However, as I quickly learnt, an expense is relative to value. 

This expense pays itself back in value many times over. 
After a few weeks working with the Alchemy team, I was reminded multiple times that taking the leap and actively chasing progress was the correct decision.
A decision I would happily make over and over again.
The most valuable part of this trip is the mastermind aspect of the event. I truly believe that “You are an average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. 
Events like this confirm this thought. 
Spending 2 days learning, networking and troubleshooting with guys and girls on the same wavelength, speaking the same language, all with the same drive and passion to grow their businesses and help as many people as possible.
I asked for help, filled my gaps with experts in these areas and I’m doing the same with our team at Virtus and I have quickly learnt that the problems, roadblocks, struggles that I faced are not unique to me.
I have a question for you all…
What do you need help with?

What are your gaps? Where do you think ‘leaning on someone and asking for help’ could add value to your life, business, training etc?
Hit me back with an email and I might be able to help, or at the very least suggest someone or a resource that can.
Have an amazing week. Find something/someone that challenges you, and go all in.

Below (Surround yourself with incredible humans who help bring you up, make you better, and challenge you to improve)


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