Why I try to never have a bad day

I’m working on a theory.

There should be no such thing as a bad day. 

Stay with me. 
Let me explain where I’m coming from.
Bad things happen. Life happens. Sometimes all at once. 

Yet, I truly believe that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. 
A Marcus Aurelius quote comes straight to mind “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength”

Is this optimistic view of life naive? Maybe. 

People die, sometimes lots at once, bad things happen to good people, and horrible accidents can occur at any time.

I am fully aware of this, yet I stand by my earlier statement, ‘there should be no such thing as a bad day’
How you react to each situation, each event and each ‘bad thing’ is entirely your choice.

You can choose to wallow in self-pity, you can let it define you, or you can feel how you need to feel, identify why you feel how you feel, and take action to improve it. 

  • Change your environment. 
  • Take the plunge on that big idea.
  • Connect with someone who you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  • Make peace with things you have done that don’t fit within your values (because you know that you’ll be better next time)

My phone background right now has a quote that resonates so strongly with me that I find myself repeating it daily. 

The Bad News: Everyday has been the hardest day of my life.

The Good News: I’m simultaneously aware of indescribable personal development”

Through struggle, pain and suffering comes growthmeaning and prosperity.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… “Growth is never pleasant at the time” 

If you look at life this way, and I try to, then you realise that whatever happens, you’ll be alright.

If you’re unhappy, you’ll be happy again. It just might take some time, effort self-reflection. 

Have an amazing day. 

Wallace, out.

(Below, some delicious Leunig)

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