I have a short sharp one for you this week
Partly because I don’t want to waffle
Mostly because It is a topic you shouldn’t overthink
I believe when you focus on the result, rather than the process,
overwhelm will smack you in the face
If you’re so attached to an outcome that it is all you think about
You’ll lose the ability to appreciate and enjoy the process
Happiness isn’t about killing yourself for an outcome.
Happiness is about embracing the little steps along the way, stopping to smell the roses so to speak
If you focus on the outcome you’ll be overwhelmed, if you focus on the little things, you’ll make progress.
So two things I want you to think about
What is the outcome I am looking for?
What are the tasks I need to accomplish for that to happen?
Once we know your outcome, detach from it
Once we focus on the tasks, we can enjoy the journey and tackle each task as it comes
If you need help with either step, ask for help.
Life is just us doing a heap of cool shit before we die,
don’t waste it being overwhelmed.
(Below) How cool are cool people? Eliza just laughing at a hilarious thing I said (probably)