
I’m the kind of person that never has a quiet moment. 
I’m either coaching other humans, meeting/talking/conversing with other humans, listening to a podcast, watching youtube, reading a book or making phone calls. 

Very rarely do I stop and let myself think. 

About the only time I am in silence is during meditation, or whilst reading. 

I’ve been so caught up with letting information in. 

I’ve forgotten how much value silence has to offer. 

My focus for this week has been just that, get excited about silence. 

After a few conversations with one of my mentors (Jayden) and one of my good pals (Coop) 
I set myself two tasks for this week. 

1. A daily walk, out in nature by myself, phone on aeroplane mode, just thinking.

2. I write one page of a stream of consciousness in my journal each day. 
No aim or intention, just writing down the things in my head. 
Basically finding a piece of string, and tugging on it

I’ve learnt two things. 

Stillness doesn’t find us, we need to seek it out. 

And the more time I spend in silence, the more creative I feel and the more silence I yearn for.

You Time /Me Time /Wallace Time is what I call it. So often I use this time to take information in, 
but I have found so much value this week in using this time to stop the inflow of information and
just think.  

Do you value silence? How does it bring you joy?

Cheers to you all


Below – Probably my favourite 30 minutes of silence for 2018 – atop Machu Picchu

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