Wallace’s Yearly Wrap
Happy Tuesday you wonderful humans.
[Coffee Traders, Mornington]
The year, and decade is coming to an end, and no doubt you have all been bombarded with holiday survival guides and new years resolution posts.
Fortunately, this isn’t another one of those.
My opinion has been, and remains that an arbitrary date won’t provide the necessary catalyst to change our behaviour. I wrote a thing about it last year if you’d like to have look. It includes a beautifully made graph courtesy of Pulse.
Yes today is the 31st of December. Yes tomorrow is just another day. But the end of a decade gives the opportunity to pause and reflect, even if it’s for a moment. A chance to look back and appreciate all that you’ve been through to get you to this moment. All of the highs, all of the lows and all of the monotonous moments in between.
I look back at the year and personally, it has been the biggest year of my life for so many reasons. I (finally) got engaged to my dream girl after 10 years. Virtus turned 4. We sold our house in Tyabb and moved to Mount Martha and of course, we welcomed our daughter Lucy Jayne Wallace into the world.
Amongst all of the wins, there were plenty of low moments. Many doubts, frustrations and roadblocks. All obstacles which at first glance were in the way, and upon reflection were the way. Many lessons which have challenged my deep-seated beliefs and (i think) given me a more rounded view of the world. Talking is slowly being replaced with more listening, strong opinions are softening and understanding is flooding in. Black and white is shifting to more and more shades of grey.
As far as the Virtus Family goes, I could not be more proud of all you guys have achieved. New jobs, completed degrees, big life changes, engagements, weddings, sporting achievements, life changing adventures, new business ventures, additions to families and a whole lot more. We overestimate what we can achieve in a day or a week, but grossly underestimate what we can achieve in a year. Those of you who set your sights on big things, and show up every day, the proof is, and will continue to be in the pudding.
As a business, we have made our biggest changes to date. The introduction of VAD to VGT has not been without it’s challenges. But 6 months in, these two coaching streams provide us with the best platform for us to help make the world, your world, a better place to be. To help each of you be a thriving, contributing part of our community, whilst continuing to learn how to reach your goals and perform at your best.
As 2020 approaches, remember that nothing is guaranteed. Take the plunge, do something that is scary and exciting, hug your friends, call your family, practice gratitude and appreciate every moment. Especially the small stuff. That is where you’ll find the magic, all you have to do is look.
I appreciate all of you more than you know.
See you next year. #DadJokes
Below: Two highlights. Virtus Turns 4, and We get engaged, finally.