Our intention at Virtus is to do a few things, incredibly well.
One of which is to empower growth and development through education and the sharing of quality, useable information. We want to share our knowledge. But more so we want to share our knowing. Our experiences and the trials and errors we experience on a daily basis.
Early on in my coaching career, like plenty of young professionals, I felt bulletproof, like I could do no wrong. I knew what I knew, I knew it worked (mostly) and I was getting results. That ego driven mindset, let’s call it an illusion of ignorance, could have swallowed me whole. I knew a bit. I could do the basics, but my knowledge base was very 2 dimensional.
Picture this, you start a new Job, you go through the initial struggle of finding your feet, then you start growing your clientele through hard work, things start to fall into place, you read a couple of books, learn what a journal article is, you read a couple of them (at least the abstract and discussion) and you think you understand how physiology and adaptation work.
I was sitting pretty atop of Mt Stupid (See Fig 1. Below)
The irony is, when you’re at the summit of Mt Stupid, you’re too incompetent to see your incompetence, hence the increased sense of ability.
Fast forward 8 years, and is fairly obvious how wrong I was. I was Jon Snow, I knew nothing. But fortunately, I stuck at it, continued to learn, and realised that after Mt Stupid, was a long and arduous journey towards enlightenment. I’m certainly still enjoying that process, some days I feel I’m at the bottom of the valley of Self-Perception of confidence, but I know that I have a vast experience of understanding and knowing that can be of use to all of you.
So, back to the intention of this blog. Our team has a collective bank of experience which we want to share with you, the Virtus Family. A simple way to do this, is with this daily blog. This will consist of small pieces of useable information and advice with the aim of empowering you all to take control of your lives and to find small ways of consistent improvement to make your world a better place.
As we continue to learn and improve, we would love for you to join us on this journey.
We will touch on topics such as Training, Coaching, Nutrition, Rehabilitation, Performance, Mindset, Leadership, Growth and Connection.
All we need from you, is a radically open mind, be prepared to learn and most of all we want you to contribute, with feedback, questions, discussion points, resources and anything else you think may add value to this thing we are chasing.
Be Excellent.
Virtus Human Performance