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Virtus Family Member Spotlight – Caz Donovan

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We want to celebrate the little wins.

Our member spotlight will celebrate the success and progress of one superstar from the Virtus Family each month. These answers will be featured on the Virtus Blog each month. Giving you a virtual pat on the back from the entire Virtus Family. Plus, if you’re lucky, you’ll also receive an actual pat on the back from a Virtus Team Member of your choosing.



First of all, congratulations, bravo, any words for the camera?

Thanks for the vote.

How has your decision to join Virtus improved your life?

I’m physically stronger and definitely more informed and educated on how to approach my training.

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What do you enjoy most about your training at Virtus?

One word….Cam this clown is the most loveable loudest dork and gets the best out of me as a coach and a friend.

What are the habits that you have adopted since joining Virtus?

Incorporating movement prep’ and recovery into my training.

What helps keep you on track with your goals?

Knowing trying to wing it, won’t cut it! If I’m stuck on a mountain and too tired to finish because I haven’t put in the training to achieve my goals, I’m screwed.

What is one thing you have learnt since joining Virtus that has changed your life?

Despite wanting to do everything and help everyone, my body actually loves self-care and performs better because of it.

What was your first impression of Virtus Performance?

When I walked into VHQ everyone (coaches, allied health practitioners and members) genuinely welcomed me and made me feel that my goals (and I) were just as important as anyone else.

What are you most excited about achieving in the next few months?

Returning to more consistent running and seeing who I can out sprint to the brewery.

What advice would you have for someone thinking of joining the Virtus Family?

Come along and meet a great group of people. If you go on a Friday, Mitch will shout you beer and pizza!

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Any extra comments/jokes/memes or quotes?

When life’s sweet, say thank you and celebrate; when life’s bitter, say thank you and grow.