Virtus Family!
Happy Friday.
If you feel like you’ve had the rug pulled out from under you, you’re certainly not alone. Going through another lockdown will be tough, but we owe it to ourselves, and each other to approach it with our head held high and our shoulders pulled back.
Lockdown 1.0 at the end of March came as a shock to the system for all of us. The first time something happens it always challenges beliefs and our preconceived ideas around how the world is supposed to work.
It gave us every reason under the sun to do less, to feel sorry for ourselves and to not do our best. Many of us didn’t hold ourselves accountable for what we wanted to do & be.
Don’t get me wrong, some of these reasons were imagined, but most of them were immensely valid.
Towards the end of the first lockdown, I watched a wonderful movie called About Time.
In this film, Tim (played by the charming Domnhall Gleeson) discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. He uses this power to create extraordinary moments and attempts to find someone he can love, and someone who loves him (Rachel McAdams).
I’ll avoid spoilers here but the gist of it is that Tim has the ability to effectively ‘do-over’ many of the important conversations and events in his life. Which inevitably leads to a realisation of what and who is truly important.
Now, unless one of you is holding out on me, none of us has the ability to go back in time, to change the past to create a better future. What’s done is done, and we must live with that, mistakes and all.
Over the next six weeks, we have been presented with an opportunity for our own kind of ‘do-over’. Maybe you didn’t do as well during Lockdown 1.0 as you would have liked. Maybe it was tougher than you expected and you made excuses to do not much. That’s ok, it’s in the past, there’s nothing you can do about it now.
Lockdown 2.0 brings with it many challenges and frustrations. But it also brings with it an opportunity to future proof yourself in so many ways. To lean into these challenges and to make decisions for the person that you want to be.
You have the capacity to create six weeks of extraordinary moments.
If you crushed the last lockdown, use your experiences to give momentum to those around you.
P.S The Virtus Covid Games starts on Monday and we would love for you to be involved.