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Who do you want to be?


Happy Friday Virtus Family.

Who do you want to be?
This is a big question, and one that can have a million different answers, all as valid as the next.

I want to be healthy, I want to be fit, I want to be confident, I want to be pain-free, I want to be happy, I want to feel fulfilled, I want to be strong, I want to be motivated, I want to be free, I want to etc etc etc.

Do me a favour and ask yourself that question… Who do you really want to be?

Once you’ve ruminated for a few moments you can continue reading

Are you sure you’ve given yourself enough time?

Whether you like it or not, there’s a follow-up question, one that may hit harder than the first.

What are you willing to do about it?

Most people just don’t become the person they set out to. It may seem a little harsh, but it’s the cold hard reality. Excuses, reasons, exceptions whatever word you want to use to justify it but the world is filled with adults walking in bare feet on fields of broken dreams.

I do not want this for myself, I do not want this for my family and I certainly do not want this for all of you.

When I think about it, my why is fairly simple: I want everybody to live a life that sets their fucking soul on fire.

(apologies for the bad word but I needed it to be more emphatic than a bolded word could accomplish)

When I look at the life I lead, I am so absolutely pumped to do what I do, to be who I am, and to have the people around me that I do. I feel like I’m living the dream. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still figuring shit out, trying to find my place in the world and sort out what I’m doing with my life, but I’m loving every step of the journey, even the locked down 5km radius part (most days anyway)

As I sit here writing this today, I’m 28 years old, it feels like last week that I was 18 and in a month I’m probably going to be 40.

The most horrible thing I can think of is for myself or any one of you to look back 20 years from now and wonder what if.

What if I took that job. What if I committed to that training. What if I started that business. What if, what if what if. Nothing fires me up more than seeing wonderful people raise the white flag and bow out of the pursuit of their dreams.

There’s only so many Monday’s left, there’s only so many January 1sts, there are only so many tomorrows. One day, they’ll run out and when they do you’ll know if you made the most of them or not.

Over the past 5 weeks the COVID games has proven to me many things, the most pertinent of which is this,

You all have ability to do the work & Life is better when experienced and navigated together.

I don’t want for you to be motivated by reading this, because motivation is a transient feeling, it’ll fade and then after lunch, your to-do will take over and you’ll forget about those hopes and dreams that are bubbling up right now.

What I want is for you to start taking action, for you to do the things that you need to do to start the journey of becoming the person who you want to be. The person that you outlined when you spent some time answering the question at the top of this email. Here it is again if you skimmed through…

Who do you want to be? And what are you willing to do about it.

Take the leap, do the thing, do it because it sets your soul on fire. Do it because you deserve it, you deserve a life of purpose and love and fulfillment. Do the thing & celebrate every step along the way.

You only get one life and life is for living.

Don’t wait for tomorrow, don’t wait until Monday and definitely don’t wait until January 1st.

Do it today.

I’ll be right there by your side loving every minute, the hard days and the easy ones.



p.s Simon and I spoke about Self Leadership on the latest episode of the Virtus Podcast, you can listen to it here, or watch it here.