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The Good Stuff – Issue #2. Kids in the gym, Vaccine Rollouts, Idleness & Death.


The Good Stuff – Issue #2

A Thought
Since our inception, I have been a big supporter of kids spending time at Virtus. It can be chaotic at times, but there is a method to our madness of exposing children to the gym environment.

I envisage a world where children grow up immersed in environments that normalise challenge, help them understand what they are capable of and teach them how to look after their physical and mental health. Environments that give them the tools to be high functioning, compassionate, resilient adults.

Gyms like Virtus can help our children grow up with strength training and the gym beinag the norm, rather than something they see their role models struggling with.

Be the person you want your kids to grow up to be.

A suggestion
Learn to distinguish between idleness & laziness. Taking time and space to exhale and fill your cup is a skill we all need to be better at. Sitting on the couch when we should be doing other things is something we are all too good at. Learn to understand the difference & give your body, mind and soul what it needs most.

A Podcast
This American Life Episode 731: What Lies Beneath
The tagline to This American Life is “Stories of people summoning up stuff that’s usually hidden deep down. This episode was shared with me by a dear friend. With the Australian Vaccine rollout beginning last week, she recommended that I listen to this particular episode as one of the stories shared dives into the emotions felt by nurses & patients in the US as they give & receive their vaccines. There are also a few wholesome stories before and after that were fantastic.

p.s It’s pretty incredible what humans can do in a year when something needs to be prioritised and an obstacle must be overcome.

A Couple of Quotes
Death is one of the few things that we all have in common, it is inevitable, yet for so many of us, it is a taboo topic that instils ear and apprehension in all of us. As heavy as it is, I believe it’s something we should all ponder on, here are a few quotes on the matter.

“I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it.” —Epictetus

“Let each thing you would do, say, or intend, be like that of a dying person.” —Marcus Aurelius

” I enjoy tremendously every single moment of my life because death, all the time, is very close watching me and death might catch me. And every five minutes death don’t catch me, I enjoy tremendously”
—Salvador Dali

“Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life’s books each day. The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time.” —Seneca

Memento Mori.

This is the Good Stuff.

