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Why did you choose to spend 12 weeks with the Virtus family?

I chose Virtus as I believe the open nature of the gym and willingness of clients to be there is the type of workplace I can see myself in the future. Having experienced other very structured, regimented gyms and protocols of training with un-motivated individuals I would like to stay away from that, and work with individuals who are passionate about improving.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Although not entirely sure, I think working within the personal training sector with individuals who want to achieve highly (relative to where they are now). As such I would like to be a coach whom works with people to achieve their best. This would include mostly the general population and those who are passionate about lifting.

What motivates you?

In general I am motivated by being better. This encapsulates all forms of doing “better” including doing better than oneself and anyone that one might be in competition with (depending on the activity/task).

What are your strengths as a person and a coach?

Personally I feel as though I am very able to empathise with people. I am often logical and take the best course of action to complete a problem that is laid out in front of me. Although these two contradict, often they balance out. I think my strength as a coach involves quick and critical, logical thinking. Identifying and rectifying form issues.

What are your biggest stretches as a person and a coach?

I would like to improve upon my ability to change coaching styles depending on the client. Additionally, due to being a somewhat reserved person with individuals I do not know well, I would like to improve my interpersonal skills to a point where I feel comfortable expressing my opinion during sessions at all relevant times.


Book – Ranger’s Apprentice
Movie – Lord of the Rings
TV Show – Attack on Titan
Hobby – eSports (Call of Duty)
Exercise – Lifting
Quote – regular people do everything on a scale from 1-10, while geniuses do everything on a scale from 1-20, or something completely different like A-Z

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