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Quarantine Client of the Week 27/4


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And this week’s winner is…. Nick Cannell

First of all, congratulations, bravo, any words for the camera?

Ha, no. Thank you guys! If it wasn’t for you all, I wouldn’t be getting any training done and my iso gut would be bursting at the seams!

What does your ‘new normal’ training schedule look like?

I am aiming for 5 sessions a week, but I’ve set a clear minimum of 4. I am really trying to get to the 6am VGT as it’s great to see everyone, it keeps me motivated during the session and I find it really sets up the rest of my day!

What advice would you have for anyone struggling to find their training groove?

This is a tough question as it’s super personal.

The two things I have found that helped:

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1. I had a hard think of what I wanted out of my training and came up with my minimums and my goals. I review this every week.

2. Find someone to keep you honest/check-in with. It’s much easier and more fun to go on the journey with a friend than solo. There are plenty of superstars in this community and I find all the coaches are great at this too!

Any extra comments/jokes/memes or quotes?

I know they say 2020 vision is good… But I haven’t been able to see anyone

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